Autism Today Foundation

About Julie Matthews

Julie Matthews

Julie Matthews, BS NC is a globally respected nutrition expert, accomplished author, and inspirational educator. Her guidance is backed by fifteen years of clinical experience and scientific research with complex neurological and physiological needs; particularly autism and related disorders.

Julie has lectured in more than 60 cities across three continents. She’s been on television, radio, newspaper, blogs/podcasts and more, published scientifically referenced articles in journals and websites. She’s beenfeatured by Price-Pottenger, honored by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, sits on two scientific advisory boards including the Autism Research Center, consulted to a soon-to-be-published university research study, and is a Certified Nutrition Consultant with a successful practice in San Francisco.

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After many years in practice, it became evident to Julie that the dietary approaches that helped the most difficult clients, were useful in healing most chronic conditions.

And because autism is one of the most complex disorders (with underlying immune/autoimmune, digestive, neurological, and metabolic dysfunction issues), it provides a unique perspective on chronic disease that helps Julie teach others to see hidden connections between symptoms, circumstances, and effective healing dietary strategies for a wide variety of complex conditions.


FOOD and NUTRITION matter for children with autism. Nourishing Hope for Autism explains WHY and HOW.

Julie Matthews, widely respected autism nutritionist, provides intenseresearch and extensive clinical nutrition experience in thiscomprehensive guide. Readers are given practical steps for dietaryintervention and a roadmap for getting started, evolving, andcustomizing the varied approaches.

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Dr. Daniels, National Autism Coordinator at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, directs the NIH’s Office of National Autism Coordination and serves as Executive Secretary of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee.

Pranjali Kharmode, VP of Autism Today Foundation, brings 14 years of experience in pediatric neurophysiotherapy and women’s health. She’s known for her holistic approach and holistic therapy programs in Edmonton.