Autism Today Foundation


Our Vision

To be an innovative and collaborative network that harmoniously improves the quality of life for those impacted by autism and neurodiversity.

To enhance education by providing scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of financial assistance to people with disabilities and exceptional needs, primarily children and youth to be used for secondary, or post-secondary education.

To motivate and recognize people with disabilities’ and exceptional needs’ excellence by providing awards to encourage academic, sports and leisure activities.

Reduce poverty by providing educational programs, housing supplement, facilitating employment, job training and job placement opportunities, life management counselling and other supportive services to people with disabilities and exceptional needs so that they are self reliant, independent and inter dependant as need be.

Reduce Poverty by raising money, accepting community donations, selling products and services, providing publications, engaging in legacy programs, for the purpose of providing funding to enhance people with disability and exceptional needs sustainable living and employment programs.

Research the most effective and efficient biomedical and behavioural treatment interventions while tracking relevant associated data to improve quality of life for the most efficient cost for clients that are exceptional needs.

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Dr. Daniels, National Autism Coordinator at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, directs the NIH’s Office of National Autism Coordination and serves as Executive Secretary of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee.

Pranjali Kharmode, VP of Autism Today Foundation, brings 14 years of experience in pediatric neurophysiotherapy and women’s health. She’s known for her holistic approach and holistic therapy programs in Edmonton.